These set of images have been created using a set of tiles which were made using a brush. I created the brush using Adobe Capture, using a picture of a print developed from the Printmaking technique.
I have created my initials (AC) using the tile arrangement.
These sets of images are a dream within a dream. The alien ponders over their life as a child, who further thinks about their life as a newborn.
Inspiration Introduction This is a brainstorming assignment to create a 2x2 matrix of research questions. It is a 4-part process involving the creation of domain, framework, intervention, and the matrix. The objective of the project is to create a series of guiding questions for myself, which can help me in my future projects. Research Questions Here is the matrix of my research questions:
Cross-Reality (XR) is a technology that comes from a fusion of three terms: Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR)[1]. It has the advantage that it can create a virtual environment. This means that it is an interface which can show something that does not exist or is difficult to recreate in the real world. The XR experience can also teach people how to act in certain situations.
While some may argue that this technology can lead humanity to a dystopian future, I feel that with conscious effort and the right direction, these technologies can be exploited to increase the human potential to act. Consider critical topics like climate change. Presently, people are unable to understand the impact climate change mostly because they do not see any visible changes around them and think it will happen in the future. What if we built XR experiences around creating those environments for people to experience how the world would look like when it is in climate distress? Now, think about natural disasters. Situations like these demand proper techniques for disaster recovery. So, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other disaster environments can be created in XR to train the people how to deal with such situations and teach the fleet how to do an emergency evacuation. Inciting action through educational is a setting where I see XR flourishing because it has the potential to develop a deeper connection with the person since the technology is built around enhancing the real-world experiences. |