Introduction Today, I have mapped the placement of my thesis project, which is in coherence with the user scenario paper. The setting is inspired by the work of Bartosz Morawski. The project would be set up in an open space with limited distractions. The only form of engagement will take place through the three paintings on the wall. A table with VR headsets would be present in front of the wall to guide the user to wear them and start the experience. A museum installation would be ideal for this project's installation. As a part of the setup, I have also created artwork and visuals for the center piece. The rest of the visuals come from the other projects done during 7-in-7. All the designs are being visualized as a prototype. The actual visuals would be created in a 3D application and imported in a gaming engine to create the interaction. A virtual reality installation would be ideal for this project since the content described in Part 2 presents an outlook of the vulnerability in the personal data collection practices done through immersive technology. The future of software interfaces will need to consider privacy protection rules, and the users of these interfaces will need to be aware of their security as they interact with these interfaces.
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