In this piece, I have created a portion of Für Elise by Beethoven using Tone.js.
I have used PolySynth and have adjusted the tone time to create sustain. Inspiration Code
In this project, I have created a music visualization using traditional Chinese music.
I have used Garage Band to create a piece of Chinese music and then used p5.js to create a series of DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) visualizations. Finally, I compiled the audio and the visuals in Premiere Pro to sync the sketch to music. Special thanks: Daniel Shiffman Code In this project, I have created a 2-minute piece of toy box music using Garage Band and animated it using After Effects.
I have used colors, polar coordinates, analog, and digital waveforms, along with 3D text to achieve the visualization. Inspiration Adding on to the last sketch, in this project, I have created a piece of RnB music in Garage Band and used After Effects to add sound visualization and other effects to that piece.
I have used masks and shapes to create CF letters, that change shape in real-time based on the music. Inspiration In this project, I have created a sound visualization.
I created a piece of house music in Garage Band and used After Effects to create a sound visualization using CompForm (CF) letters. Inspiration Inspired by Tim Cook’s speech at EPIC, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, in Washington on June 1, 2015, I have created a sound visualization of his voice, to show how communication and devices have become a part of our lives, thus interrupting privacy.
Design done using Illustrator, After Effects, Cinema 4D, Audition, and other tools. Adding on to the last part, I have added a flee function and adjusted the forces to create the text effect which responds to the mouse movement.
Inspiration Code This is part 1 of my text steering idea. I have created a CompForm title using the following characters:
C o m p F o r m J u s t i n B a k s e I have used p5.js to trace the letters and a constructor function to make it interactive. Inspiration Code In this project, I have created different short stories starting with "A dark and stormy night" by using segments from some of the best American Short Story collection - Hans Christian Anderson (The Little Match Girl, 1845), Kate Chopin (The Night Came Slowly, 1895), and Frank Stockton (The Lady, or the Tiger?, 1882).
I have used Markov Chain principle to shuffle the words to create fresh (and not precisely logical) stories. Inspiration Code In this sketch, I have created a Parsons Guide Book Title Generator using fun words.
I played with fonts and text inputs to create these titles. Inspiration Code |