In this microgame, I have created a simple ball drag game, in which the smiley is dragging the ball from the start to the end.
I will be extending on this to create a maze and adding levels. I created the vectors in Illustrator and used to design the microgame. Inspiration Code
This sketch illustrates the way the body sways as a soldier's body is hit and is dying.
I have used Autodesk's Character Generator, Mixamo's Character Animator, Maxon's Cinema 4D's 3D Animation and Adobe After Effects' Animation Production to prepare this piece. Following from the last sketch, I did a CNC cut on the 3D model and then painted it to encapsulate the idea of a local story trying to survive in a landscape driven by national news media organizations and technology companies.
In this project, I have created an art piece to show local news, trying to survive in a landscape governed by the national news media organizations and technology giants (Google, FB, Amazon).
I have used Cinema 4D and Illustrator to create this effect. Built on the last version to create a more advanced version of Major Major 3D model.
The 3D look is more in line with the show theme. Special thanks: June Lee Inspiration In this project, I have created a 3D model for our studio exhibition, Major Major.
I have used the type-style from the show's branding theme. The 3D model was prepared in Cinema 4D, with the 2D layout in Illustrator. Inspiration Extending from the last week's sketch on Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), in this piece, I have visualized the epicycles as parallel record players, playing a romantic piece on a violin orchestra. I have played the piece on Garage Band and added Record Player White Noise to create the effect. Inspiration Code
In this piece, I have played and recorded a piece from Game of Throne's theme music. I have played it on a Grand Piano in Garage Band.
Inspired by Brooke's GoT sketches. In this piece, I have created a melody loop of Canon in D using tone.js.
I have used a sine wave oscillator with a constant attack, decay, and release. The notes are in 3rd and 4th octave. Inspiration Code Inspired by the tone pattern of Beethoven's Für Elise from the last sketch, I have created a melody generator. The measures have an A A B B C structure. The structure of measures partly resembles the structure of Für Elise. The music needs some work to match what the actual tone should sound like. Inspiration Code