This project is an extension to the Dot Pattern Match challenge. In this, I have created a word map using RiTa.js with p5.js.
I have replaced the ellipses with random text. The user has the option to customize the words by changing the number of syllables (1-5) and the parts of speech of the words present on the word map. Special thanks to Daniel Shiffman for introducing me to this library. Code
Coding Challenge to match the wave motion, like that of a caterpillar.
The frequency decides the number of octaves in the wave, the amplitude changes the distance between crests and troughs of the wave, and the time speed changes the speed of movement of the wave. Code Coding Challenge to match a given pattern.
The first two images are the ones which I generated from my code, and the third one is the reference image. Code In this project, I have used tactics of grid, random, and noise placement to place objects on the canvas.
Tactic 1: Grid Placement: Placed Pine Trees Tactic 2: Noise Placement: Placed Snowmen Tactic 3: Grid and Random Placement: Placed Pine Trees and Snowmen Code Scene 7: Next Day
After the discussion with Tweety last night, Granny felt the importance of sharing opinions on uncritical topics with her. “We are members of this society and the social issues surround us,” she thought. --- Play the Ball Game in which you have to cross the road using your mouse.
Try to cross with minimum number of collisions. To win the game, avoid bumping into the moving objects. Created using p5.js. Tactics used: ball bounce and collision detection Code Scene 1: The World
After the digital news bubble burst in 2060, the world rejected the procurement of digital devices for interaction. And, to respect the privacy of every person, online surveillance systems were shut down. Only those who were 60 or older were granted access to digital devices. That enabled a massive change in the information landscape. The trust of internet systems dropped dramatically, and all the information storage changed to physical logging. But, the people from the 20th and early 21st century were so used to receiving information digitally, that they continued to trust online sources. That led to a reverse generation gap in the society, with the old people having more access to digital than the young. This is a story of Tweety and her grandmother, Granny who are living in this post-digital world. Jimmy is in his chopper, looking for treasure but can't find it. He has gone over the terrain several times over, but it seems to be hidden somewhere.
He gets to his lab and creates a 3D map of the entire view. He searches for possible locations at every frame by reducing the terrain size. While he is looking through the footage frames, he finds the treasure location hidden behind one of the peaks. Instantly, he goes there to retrieve the treasure! Code Why do we need things? What is it that makes an object so important in our lives?
Objects form our materialistic world. We need objects because they help us create memories – the perfect blend of spices in a curry cooked by mom, family time on a Sunday morning watching the only channel that came on TV, imitating Ronaldinho while playing soccer with friends – a lot of moments are formed with objects. Often, objects reinforce how we feel about ourselves – an elegant outfit, a new phone, the first car, the first bite of chocolate – all make us feel happy momentarily. I want to share a story of those feelings. Following from yesterday's sketch, I have customized the Flow Field pattern, making changes in the color, rotation, and size of the particles.
See the different variations: HSB color, HSB color with alpha, grayscale, sepia, and mouse hover in the code. Inspiration Code |